A tyre is built up of synthetic rubber, natural rubber, fabric and wire, along with carbon black and other chemical compounds. They consist of a tread and a body. The tread provides traction while the body provides containment for the quantity of compressed air. These tyres are essential to transfer a vehicle’s load from the axle through the wheel to the ground and to provide traction on the surface over which the wheel travels.
Tyres provide a footprint, called a contact patch, that is designed to match the weight of the vehicle with the bearing strength of the surface that it rolls over by providing a bearing pressure that will not deform the surface excessively.
Some of the most common tread patterns include:
Symmetrical Tread: These treads promote smooth driving while providing the rider with directional stability one needs on tough turns. Symmetrical tyres are ideal for dry road, but these might not be good for a drive in the rain.
Directional Tyre Tread: These tyres help the car remain stable while driving through rain, sleet and mud. They also improve the grip of the tyre on the road if you want to drive at faster speeds.
Asymmetrical Tyre Tread: This is the tyre with the combination of both directional tyre tread and symmetrical tyre tread. These tyres help the car handle the road while also gripping the concrete on rainy and snowy days.
Different tyres are built up with different wearing rates. That also depends upon the amount of tyre usage and maintenance. The various methods to check the type of tyre tread are:
The Penny Test: This is one of the easiest ways to test the depth, to compare your tread against a coin. To perform the test, place the coin between your tyres’ tread rib. You’ll be able to spot this rob by looking for the portion of your tread that is elevated above the rest. Your tread should, if it’s roadway safe, cover the top of the head. If your tread is any shallower than that, you’ll need to purchase a new set of tyres so you can drive safely on the road.
Tread Depth Gauge: A gauge will measure the depth of your tread as it is a designated tool to do the same. These gauges come equipped with miniature rulers. When you use your gauge to measure your tread depth, you’ll be able to determine its depth and immediately know if you’re within legal tread limits.
Tread Wear Indicator Bars: These days, many modern cars come equipped with tread wear indicator bars. If your tread dips down below the recommended amount, a light will appear on your dashboard to let you know that the tyre needs replacement.
Apollo Tyres is the best tyre manufacturing company providing the best tyres for every vehicle in India, be it bike tyres, car tyres, tractor tyres etc. They spend a lot of time and R&D to give the best and durable product for smooth running of every vehicle. One can visit shop.apollo for buying the best tyres for their vehicle at affordable prices.